Monday, May 12, 2014

Expectations vs. Reality of Finals

I have a special treat for you today! Amelia from BittyTidbits is guest posting today! Take a break from studying and laugh a little! I know I did! :)

Hey guys! I’m Amelia Leone (obviously not Kat) of BittyTidbits, your guest poster for the day.

It’s finals week...and that pretty much explains how I feel about it. While I am not yet in college, I completely understand people’s dread of exams. For high schoolers, last week and this week are AP Exam Weeks. And guess who took five AP classes? :l let’s just say the past month has been a mix of caffeinated highs and zombie-like lows.

So here are some expectations vs. reality of college finals! (My oh my, I just love helping people procrastinate, don’t I?)

Study Groups
Expectation: “This will really help me prepare for the exam!”
Reality: "I'll just invite a few extra people..."


Staying organized
Expectation: "I’m going to basically be the Mary Poppins of the binder world."

Sleeping early
Expectation:”I’m going to get so much sleep.”


Eating healthy brain food

Studying throughout the month
Expectation: Long-term studying > short-term studying
Reality: “I’d much rather go to Chipotle. I’ll study later.”


The morning of the day of the exam
Expectation: "I'm ready!"


Reality: You look like a zombie from The Walking Dead

When you see the exam for the first time…




When you finish the exam…




No matter what happens, remember it happens for a reason. And you probably should be studying right now so get to it. Write some index cards or something! You got this in the bag

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